Instant quote and application: Eta-Glob's Visitor Insurance Switzerland and Schengen area

Travel period

The earliest possible start date of the insurance is 4 days from today.


If you need your insurance to start earlier, please contact us by telephone or through our contact form.


Important: You need to use the following format for calendar dates:
DD.MM.YYYY (day.month.year), for example: 28.11.1969





The entry into Switzerland can not be more than 5 days before the insurance start. If the entry occurred earlier or if the insured person does not enter Switzerland, you will require a different insurance product. In this case, please contact our customer service.




You can extend the insurance period until the date below without any extra charge:


Would you like to extend the insurance period free of charge as suggested?




How is the number of travel days calculated?

  • First travel day = Arrival date of entry in the Schengen area (e.g. in Zurich, Frankfurt, Madrid).
  • Last travel day = departure day from the Schengen area
  • Travel duration = minimum 1 day, maximum 180 days.


When calculating travel duration, please consider that the first travel day is also a travel day, for example: July 2 to July 8 = 7 travel days.


Dates of birth of the people to be insured

Maximum insurable age: 79 years

Unfortunately, people who are 80 years or older on the day of the start of the insurance, cannot be insured.



For how many people do you want the insurance coverage?

Number of people to be insured



Person {i}

Person {i}






Please choose the desired coverage



Advantages of the PREMIUM coverage

  • Deductible per event only CHF 100 instead of CHF 200

  • Increase of medical cost coverage to CHF 100,000

  • Search and rescue costs up to CHF 10,000

  • Unlimited cover for medical repatriation to the country of residence


{currency} {price}



Order the insurance now!


I just wanted to calculate the premium for now


Personal data of the insured

Important: Please list the personal data of each insured person in the order of the dates of birth recorded above!



Person {i}
Person {i}
Person {i}

Additional mandatory information

According to the regulations of the Insurance Contract Act (VVG) and the financial market supervisory authorities of Liechtenstein and Switzerland, a host in Switzerland must be listed as the policyholder.
If you do not have a host, for example by staying in a vacation apartment in Switzerland, you can simply declare yourself as the host with the address of the vacation apartment.


Details of your host


First name of the host ("Given Name"), for example: Anna
Last name of the host ("Family Name"), for example: Müller
in Switzerland



Please let us know to which e-mail address we should send our order confirmation and later the insurance policy:


If you would like to receive our order confirmation and later the insurance policy also to a second email address, please let us know the cc email address:


How can we reach you if we have a question?

Please include the full international dialing code with the phone number

Example: "+33 6 99 88 77 66"
if different from above email(s)

Your agreement to the insurance conditions

Please confirm to the insurance conditions and submit your order

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